Class Room Management Skills

M.A, Psychology
Clinical psychologist
@Islaah Center for Psychological Wellness

Class Room Management is a process, where a teacher takes required steps to ensure that classes go on smoothly within the time allotted and without facing any behavioral issues form the students. It’s a mammoth task to manage a large group of young children with varied learning abilities and temperaments while keeping them involved in the lesson and maintaining discipline in the class.

These Class Room Management Skills will help teachers to ensure effective learning and productive teaching.

    • Get to Know Your Students – know your students’ abilities and short comings. Teachers will get an idea to plan lessons accordingly.
    • Prepare Lessons in Advance – Teacher will be prepared to answer student’s questions during the class.
    • Make Learning Hands-On – Students involvement increases their quest for learning and they understand the concept taught easily.
    • Use Praise as a Reward – It promotes good behaviour and enhances learning and improves academic performance.
    • Avoid Punishment – Punishing a misbehaving student may prove beneficial for short term but it won’t have a long term effect. Therefore teachers should find positive ways of keeping students involved in the class.
    • Celebrate hard work – use appreciation (verbal appreciation , write a small note appreciating good performance be it in academics or behaviour, send an appreciation note or an email home) class room incentives are also a great way to celebrate hard work.
    • Maintain authority all year long – Make sure that students know what your rules mean and that you are the authority in the class.
    • Accommodate all learners: Visual learners – use maps, flow charts, colour codes, use flash cards, and draw pictures. Auditory Learners – Engage the student in conversation about the subject matter. Ask for oral summaries, Read lessons aloud to them. Kinaesthetic or tactile learners – Trace words and diagrams on paper, Use textured paper and experiment with different sizes of pens, pencils, and crayons to write , Use role play, Use some form of body movement (snapping fingers, pacing, mouthing ideas) while reciting material to be learned.
    • Give prompt feedback: Don’t wait for a PTM to give feedback of a student’s performance or anything else that is to be conveyed to the parents or the student. Positive feedback given to the students soon after a good performance in the class or for good behaviour goes a long way.